Niskomolekularni morski kolagen s aminokiselinama, ceramidima i hijaluronskom kiselinom BB LAB The Collagen Triple S
Niskomolekularni morski kolagen s aminokiselinama, ceramidima i hijaluronskom kiselinom BB LAB The Collagen Triple S
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Pakiranje: 30 x 2 gr.
Purpouse: Tijelo
Podrijetlo: Južna Koreja
BB Lab Triple Collagen S sadrži još više kolagena po porciji, kao i 5 dodatnih sastojaka koji poboljšavaju kožu, kao što su hijaluronska kiselina, elastin i super aminokiselina ornitin. Sadrži kolagen, ornitin i glutathion, koji povećavaju elastičnost kože, prozirnost i sjaj te podržavaju vašu njegu kože iznutra.
Prah kolagena koji sadrži 1500 mg niskomolekularnog ribljeg kolagena koji se lako apsorbira u tijelu. Obnavlja tijelo kolagenom, što je vitalni protein dermalnog sloja kože.
Kolagen i ornitin miješaju se u omjeru 25:1 (sadrži 1500 mg niskomolekularnog ribljeg kolagena i 60 g ornitin hidroklorida). Ornitin je aminokiselina koja sudjeluje u bioaktivnosti i pomaže povećati koncentraciju L-prolina i glicina, koji su dio strukture kolagena.
Proizvod za regeneraciju kože omogućava laku i učinkovitu apsorpciju kolagena. Niskomolekularni riblji/morski kolagen omogućava brzu apsorpciju u vaše tijelo, potičući obnovu vaše kože, mišića i kostiju. Sa jednom porcijom kolagenog pakiranja u štapiću, možete ga ponijeti svuda sa sobom (npr. teretana, radno mjesto, putovanja itd.). Sjajan okus trešnje olakšava konzumaciju bez potrebe za miješanjem s vodom.
Postignite podatnu i blistavu kožu iznutra! BB Lab kolagen u prahu sadrži niskomolekularni morski (riblji) kolagen koji poboljšava elastičnost kože. Istraživanje ribljeg kolagena pokazuje da hidrolizirani riblji kolagen donosi važne hranjive tvari, rezultirajući njegovanom kožom i poboljšanom elastičnošću. Koža izgleda zdravije, mlađe i ima vidljivo manje bora. Stimulira se proizvodnja prirodnog kolagena.
Pakiranje sadrži 30 vrećica, dovoljno za 30 dana.
Ključni sastojci:
Fish Collagen Peptide: Improves skin elasticity and promotes healthy nails, hair, and bones. One sachet contains 1500 mg of low molecular weight collagen, which is easily absorbed by the body. Recharges the body with collagen, which is a vital protein of the dermal layer of the skin. Essential in the structure and function of skin, cartilage, bone and connective tissue.
Vitamin C: Powerful antioxidant that protects against chronic diseases and has an anti-inflammatory effect. A rich source of calcium, iron, and potassium, essential minerals that contribute to a healthy body.
Glutathione, which is rich in amino acids for redox support. It helps build and repair tissue, produce chemicals and proteins needed by the body, and is involved in immune system function.
Ornithine: a type of amino acid that plays an important role in bodily activities and helps increase the concentration of L-proline and glycine in collagen.
Elastin to restore skin elasticity. A major component of elastic fibers that provide stretch, retraction, and elasticity of the skin.
A complex of 17 probiotics to maintain the health and microbiome of the skin.
With key extracts of hyaluronic acid to improve skin hydration, 60g vitamin C, lactic ceramide to support healthy skin function, 17 different types of mixed lactic acid and gut-friendly bacteria, feel the boost of energy as the body provides you with essential components for strengthened and revitalized skin.
Pleasant cherry flavor, plus ginger and star anise for antioxidant protection, complement your busy life with a skin booster that offers remarkable skin clarity and health.
BB Lab is Korea's best-selling beauty supplement brand. Adhering to the motto "Own Your Own Health" since its establishment in 2012, it offers a wide range of products following the world's leading health and beauty trends to improve the quality of life of its users.
Fish collagen powder 1500 mg/stick, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. latis, Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus fermentum), maltodextrin, dextrose, sucralose, hyaluronic acid, Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide), silicon dioxide, enzyme-modified stevia, Vitamin A (Retinyl acetate), isomalt, cherry fruit concentrate (Prunus avium), benzoic acid, L-glutathione, L-ornithine monohydrochloride, L-arginine, DL-malic acid, ginger root extract (zingiber officinale), milk ceramide.
Kako koristiti?
Preporučena dnevna doza za odrasle: 1 vrećica 2 g dnevno. Može se uzimati izravno ili otopiti u vodi.